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Writer's pictureJulie Brennan



Each of the four festivals below is seen as fulfilled through the life and work of Christ.


Sacrificing and eating a lamb to commemorate Israel's deliverance from Egypt and from death.

When God saw the blood of the lamb on a home's doorpost, he would "pass over" that house, and those inside would be saved from death.


Started a day after Passover and ran for 7 days.

People were to eat bread made without yeast, hold sacred assemblies, and present offerings to God.

▫️ In the Bible, yeast is often a symbol of sin. The harvest here is represented by a loaf of bread made with yeast. It's symbolizes a harvest that will be a combination of flesh and spirit.

▫️ We have yeast in us, the leaven of unrighteousness, yet throughout the modern time of the church, God will use frail, imperfect humans to produce His harvest for eternity.


The priest would wave the first sheaf of the barley harvest as an offering to God.

No one could eat any fruit of the harvest until this had been done.

Firstfruits seem to have been a thank offering looking forward to God's blessings on the harvest.

Firstfruits also involve a burnt and a grain offering.

▫️ Christ rose the very day of the firstfruits. It was not in the temple, but in the garden tomb that the first fruit of the resurrection life was waived before the Lord God.

▫️ Whenever we celebrate Christ's resurrection (Easter), we are keeping the Feast of the Firstfruits.


Celebrated 50 days after Passover.

Pentecost was a day of Thanksgiving to God for the harvest.

Priests would wave two loaves of bread made from the first fruits of the wheat harvest.

These loaves were to be baked with leaven--The only offering where this symbol of sin was allowed.

The offerings, sacrifices, and ceremonies marked the end of the barley harvest and beginning of the wheat harvest.

▫️ The true meaning of Pentecost is god-gathering for himself. A harvest of people. That harvest is to continue until the day of Pentecost is over; the day the Lord returns.

▫️ Pentecost is not only blessings, but it is also duty. If we attempt to carry out the duty of harvest or evangelism and have no power from the Spirit of God, then we are unable to perform adequately. However, if we have all delight and no duty, we will wind up as a kind of spiritual "bless me" club and not complete God's work in the world.

▫️ If we want the Holy Spirit to move freely among us, we MUST TEAR DOWN ANY WALLS THAT DIVIDE.

🤍 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers p50

The Last Supper:

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